Friday, May 22, 2009


This is just a formal apology to all 11 of you who read this blog.

I did not post today. I indulged on a day of beach and seafood dining.

Because of this, you wonderful people of the interweb were not informed of...
With a fake plant scenery and saxophones and other world wonders I can't even speak of.

I'm watching it at this very moment and it is truly a special moment.

So again, I apologize.

The video will be posted here as soon as possible. I at least owe you that.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5/20/09 Late Night Musak


Grizzly Bear
11:30pm on Letterman (CBC)
I am a fan. Grizzly Bear is friendly Indie-Rock with some of the cleanest, purist vocals I've heard in a while (reminiscent of old-school INXS [which I'm a sucker for]). Their third studio album, Veckatimest is out next week and it's already received crazy-good reviews.

Here's a video from the last time they played on Letterman, promoting the EP, Friend.

Mandy Moore
11:34pm on Leno (NBC)
I'm not going to bullshit you. When I think of Mandy Moore I start singing the song "Candy" from 1999 (which has been stuck in my head for the past 4 days, ever since I saw she was performing on Leno this week). Her new album, Amanda Leigh, is out next week and judging by the title she's really grown up... or something. I'm sure her sound has matured since her "Candy" days but I really haven't heard anything from her since then. So if you're curious... check her out tonight.

No Doubt
12:05 on Kimmel (ABC)
COME ON! It's No Doubt! Not Gwen... No Doubt! New album in the near/distant future and tour this summer! I'm pumped! Clearly...

The Airborne Toxic Event
1:36 on Daly (NBC)
This band/album was my spot this winter! "Sometime Around Midnight" was on absolutely every playlist I created. I'll definitely be checking this performance out although I'm not a fan of the Last Call with Carson Daly stage... way to big and flashy for my taste. I'm thinking they'll play "Happiness is Overrated" but I've been wrong in the past. ATE is an awesome live band and worth checking out.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Late Night Music 5/19/09 Nuttin Special


Blink 182
11:34pm on Leno (NBC)
If you missed them last night, no fear. Blink 182 will be performing again on Leno.

Iron & Wine
12:37pm on Fallon (NBC)
Iron & Wine aka Samuel Beam is probably some of my favorite folky rock music this side of the Mississippi. Most know him best for his deconstructed version of Postal Service's "Such Great Heights" but he's sitting pretty on about five albums and few more EPs. Around the Well was released today which is an entire 2-disc album of "b-sides and rarities." Expect to hear one of those ditties tonight.

1:36am on Daly (NBC)
Meh. Keane. They released their 3rd album last year and just finished up a tour in March. I have no idea what they're doing on Carson and I don't really care. Don't get me wrong, "Somewhere Only We Know" is and always will be my jam, but I can only stand so much banging on a piano. But regardless, check 'em out if you care more than I do. Don't say I never did anything nice for you, Keane.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Late Night Music 5/18/09


Blink 182
11:34pm on Leno (NBC)
Need I say more? They're back together. Period. It's going to be amazing. Period.
They're also going to be on tour with Fall Out Boy and Weezer (who knows who'll be tacked on as supporting acts...). These boys know how to produce an effective comeback.

White Rabbits
11:30pm on Letterman (CBC)
Indie band, indie name. Pretty typical American Indie dance-rock. They'll remind of you The Walkmen and possible Franz Ferdinand. The band's sophomore album is out tomorrow (It's Frightening) and this will be they're second appearance on Letterman. White Rabbits is an extremely solid live band so check out this performance if you like their sound.

Here's the video from their last visit to Letterman performing "The Plot."

Method Man & Redman
12:37 on Fallon (NBC)
I think they should just collectively change they're name to Joined-at-the-Hip. They act together, they rap together, they probably share the same wife. Honestly, I'm not interested enough to research what they're promoting tonight but I'm guessing it's either 2 things. They've got an album coming out or High How 2 is in post-production.

Okay, I gave in. The two of them are releasing their second collaborative album Blackout! 2. You gotta give me credit. My guesses were eerily close.

That's it for tonight. Link this blog please!!!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Guess Who's Back

Yup, it's me. School is pretty much over for the semester so I'm breathing life back into this blog starting NEXT WEEK!!! Late night schedules are looking pretty good right now so check back daily to see what to watch!

Do me a favor and tell your friends about this blog and link it wherever you can!
